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Science -> Genetics

A deep discipline of biology, is the science of Genetics - a heredity and variation in living organisms. Find companies that specialize in genetics here.



deCODEme - your genes, health & ancestry

deCODEme is a genetic test that reveals what lies within your DNA. You can order this test online, do the test at home and send the test to deCODEme and await your results.
A simple cheek swab allows you to discover your genetic propensity for developing specific diseases and conditions, through this you will have a better chance in dealine with possible health issues in good time.
deCODEme also with in gene discovery..
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Molecular imaging

Molecular imaging

The world leader in real time, high resolution, micro-imaging systems, providing modalities in the areas of in vivo imaging, molecular imaging, in vivo testing micro imaging, photoacoustics, high-resolution imaging, and more..
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